Where Does Cinnamon Come From? Fall Classroom Activity

cinnamon bark classroom activity culinary lab activity facs classroom facs teacher activity ground cinnamon how to test for freshness of a spice spice test Oct 05, 2023

Students are often amazed that their snickerdoodles are flavored from the bark of a tree. Let your students choose some favorite spices and instruct them to rub them between their fingers to get a feel for the texture. That's also the best way to tell if a spice is fresh. A vivid aroma after rubbing is a sure sign it's still good! 

Extra Bonus... A lab or classroom that instantly smells like Fall! 

To help teachers make the most of classroom and lab time, I've created an online library of video tutorials in 11 different units. Culinary and hospitality students can learn and master course standards with short instructional videos. Logins are unlimited, so multiple students can view at the same time.

Happy Teaching, Rebecca

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